Lyric discussion by robsy335 

It took me so long to find out but I found out. That doesn’t suggest a quick flirtation with drugs as has been suggested. I think it is about a girl who is basically very shallow and was leading-on the writer of the song. The writer of the song was looking for a more meaningful situation but she was just leading him on and it took him a long time to find out but eventually he found her true nature so he took the easy way out and walked away. ‘One way ticket’ is a ride to nowhere. Sunday driver is a term used to describe a leisurely non serious person. One way ticket. There’s no reciprocity . She’s all take and no give. She’s a big teaser. She’s not interested in anything but her own ‘power’ He took the east way out and walked away before becoming too involved with shallow self-centred person.

Easy way out -not ‘east’ . Damned touch screen keyboard

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