Lyric discussion by elie109657 

Cover art for You're Not Alone lyrics by Saosin

It surprises me that no one thought of seeing a theme in green. The boy is in the park, where are those he used to love? Tell me, did they forget him? Are they consumed by the world, the videogames, hiding from him, he is not looking for them...or even: did they die? Either physically or spiritually? He is not looking for them, he is looking for a sign, their love for him. He is alone, but remember the park is green.

Then there is the girl, spoiled, rotten, the lies: this life is about pressing this button to get that feeling. Chasing a life of pleasure, hard to get but easy to get, used, never treated with the love she was hoping for, but her eyes struck the park. The park is green, that fills her eyes with GREEN!!! Not just green, but the person in the green. They are looking for true and real love that doesn't fade, that doesn't keep them alone. They might be even looking for God, may I, eternal Being, eternal gift of Love.

It could as well be two souls, it just reminded me in a way of this painting series: the poem of a soul. it is 1 person, but in the painting the person journeys, NEVER ALONE

PS: she looks for herself, but looking at the park, she no longer sees herself, she sees someone, looking for someone. Just to add to what I wrote.

Another link is more spot on, take painting 4,

As the child grows up, Janmot represents it as a duality of boy, shown here in pink, and girl, in white symbolising purity and innocence. The pair are shown at play, picking flowers, in an idyllic country landscape during the spring.

This mystical duality continues through most of the rest of the oil paintings. At times, the pair appear to be brother and sister, or even lovers, but as we will see, in the end they represent the earthly body (boy) and the spirit (girl). They are usually...