Lyric discussion by james11569 

This song was only liked by the fans who would listen to the whole album not just the rocking guitar and angelic vocals the band covered the radio stations of the day AM as well as FM kids today are at a loss of the deep heart breaking been cheated on or lost the one true thing you held dearest and the genius of the songs simplicity that holds true to any VICTIM OF LOVE the pain and feeling lost and regretful sorrow felt by the one who loses it all really it all comes down to the circle the circle of life and that thru it all you\'ll get back in the game pick yourself up dust off your pride and TRY key word TRY and love again. So all you 70s burnouts can you remember how the Eagles were in your head at the high times and the lows how much slower and brighter those times were it\'s all left up to you in the end day by day they slowly fade away to the lady and her song the moves she made so fine so stay or go are you living to find joy or are you living to stop the pain would you lose or win just try to love. Love again like open your eyes love living again the queen of hearts is your best bet the angels got a real gift with Glenn we should thank the Lord for the ones that we still have Joe don randy and the pretender we are just lucky that way

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