Lyric discussion by Laughing Madcap 

To me personally, this song just resembles incredibly anxiety and loneliness, but not being fully aware of it. The first verse seem to be about an imminent danger, but in the context of the song I see the bomb as a metaphor for attention or a socially challenging situation. The singer is shocked until he realizes, it's not directed towards him. He's proud which doesn't make sense, if he's got nothing to do with it, which makes me believe he masks his inability to socially interact in certain situations as a conscious decision in order to guard himself from acknowledging his vulnerability. He has some awareness of it, but it's strange to him. He doesn't know, what will happen if he gives in to it, so he denies, ignores or avoids it.

The second verse gets more specific towards women and his inability to be in a relationship. Again, he's to anxious and at this point to inexperienced to even try it (also, I'm not a native speaker, but shouldn't it be "bear" instead of "bare"?). But while he's somewhat aware of this, he immidiately goes on to imagine a situation, where his success in finding love would lead to misery, masking the anxiety as conscious avoidance.

The third verse is about other people, telling him things will get better, things will change, only to realize that they don't. Maybe referring to similar problems that were there before, maybe even to some trauma that caused his social anxiety. He tried to battle it maybe when he became more aware of his anxiety, but he failed. And instead of keeping on trying, he escapes back into his lonesome ignorance in the comfort of his home.

The chorus summarizes this theme. He knows his solitude and social withdrawal may be the cause for his anxiety, at least a huge contributing factor. Yet he sees it as the only place to escape to, basically the only thing he can do, being stuck in this cycle and reinforcing his fears.

Obviously It could mean a whole lot other things and I heard what was relevant to myself and my situation :D great song anyways.

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