Lyric discussion by HectorAlonso28 

God, this song is so freakin heart-piercing. To me, he is singing about not being good enough for one person... You know, like it used to happen millions of times in millions of relationships. Sometimes routine is there and feels so good that is the perfect habitat for coward hearts, hearts that don't want "bigger comprises". Sadly that's the very same thing that doesn't allow the relationship to mature so everything ends up dying. So one of the members of the couple just left and just send the other to fck himself, because it doesn't really matter anymore, rutin and lack of compromise kill any relationship, despite "you may feel good" with that person.
To me, this song talks about the expectations one has on the other, and how is so freakin painful to release that everything has just crumbled apart... It hurts like hell, it hurts because You release You can't do anything to save it, is just f
cked up... The most revealing part of the lyrics is when he sings:

"Sorry I couldn't be there when you needed me I barely can hold the pen through the flames that I'm seated in. I wait, but wait don't kill the pain."

That is, he is still stranded there waiting like an idiot despite just lost the one he loved... And now there is nothing he can do to amend it. Which close brilliantly in the almost last verse of the song:

"I was dying for a piece of it was crying for release Then it was gone (that means he loved that person so much but he f*cked it up) But I can't die (he is actually freakin dying of emotional pain) But I was crying for release But I was dying for a piece and now it's gone." (Yeah is gone and it will never come back, he is just a memory now).

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