Lyric discussion by goodwinter 

This song has a lovely psychiatry/therapy feel, especially if based on what he sings over and over again at the end of the song: "Go now you are forgiven".

In that sense, the soldiers could be viewed as pawns, following the norms of society. Even though it is something as harmful as war, they are just doing what "society" (the general) is telling them to do.

So, the general has the epiphany, realizing he no longer wants his men to contribute to this horrific part of humanity and grants them permanent leave.

It's cool that the general upholds his duty and still fights to certain death. It's a hell of a statement to make to his superiors, and to society. And a beautiful apology to the mothers of his previously fallen troops.

Many youngsters get caught up in that. Caught up in doing what they feel is right because of what they learned from their teachers, parents, military superiors, etc.

Some of my regrets and mistakes as a kid were based on these perceptions that I had formed from ideals, customs, traditions, governments, etc. Basically, I got caught up in trying to be what society wanted me to be. Listening to this song helps me forgive myself for some of those mistakes.

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