Lyric discussion by sparrowspa 

This is super messy and more of a loose interpretation: "Matador, estocada, you're my blood sport" and "Get high, hit the floor before you go" leads me to believe that the Matador is a metaphor for the unstable love or relationship the narrator had with another person- this would also be comparing that relationship to a dangerous game with the "high before you hit the floor" being the rush of being in love before the inevitable heartbreak.

Because the crowd generally cheers for the matador to win and the bull (the narrator) is more a victim, "Forty-eight thousand seats bleats and roars for my memories of you" the crowd would be the effort and determination to keep that relationship alive and the bleats which I assume come from the bull would be the strain the relationship has put on him.

"Now that I'm fully clean the matador is no more and is dragged from view" makes me believe that the relationship failed with the "clean" relating the the high of being in love I mentioned earlier.

The narrator is the bull, but killing the Matador is not really a victory because it was only done for his survival. The main line "Something good, oh something good tonight will make me forget about you for now" is more the narrator trying to find distraction in the aftermath of losing that love.

Accidentally added this as general comment before sorry for the repeat idk how to delete it :/

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