Lyric discussion by tabs786 

Cover art for Disillusion lyrics by Badly Drawn Boy

Always in pursuit of the perfect people - he doesn't fit in with or wants to become like those people she want him to ( probably egotistical high society)

Oh and I can see that it shows -Knowing she has to live up to this act .

But there's just an innocence in you I want to wring out I know it could be beautiful - he knows deeply better than anyone else in her life and wants her to be her true self.

But I don't want a part of some situation- he doesn't want part to be part of a circus of society fake people etc. I don't want to be in that boat - it's not his scene. He knows what people are really like.

I don't want to stifle your flight- he's not controlling and won't stop her from what she wants.

I didn't mean to fall in love- he didn't know or expect to fall in love realising he can't become the person she wants him to be . He won't change for her even though the love he has for her it's not compatible with the illusion of the world she expects from him