Lyric discussion by alan112895 

Here I am 9 years after the last comment. I just thought my predecessors left a few things out. I too get emotional in listening to Siouxsies interpretation of "Israel". That's because I'm Jewish and I've had distant relatives die in the Holocaust. And I love drums and how they're employed here. Yes it's about all people but the song is Israel so its about the people of Israel. I've loved the song when it came out in the 80's No its not about religion but about spirit. "They wrote this song after their trips to Israel." Thats eye opening, "Little orphans in the snow With nowhere to call a home Start their singing This is the orphaned children after the Holocaust who went to Israel" "Waiting for a sign to turn blood into wine The sweet taste in your mouth--turned bitter in its glass Israel. As Israel has become successful and has survives the wars waged against her, jealousy and resentment emerge." This was the best comment. Singing? Jews are always singing. "Even though we’re all alone, we are never on our own when we’re singing" Thats accurate i think the song is about refugees, people who once fled, raised a state where given broken dreams. ( turned his blood into wine, (old history), but later the (current time) the wine turned bitter in the glass in this new "promised" land. "People are still enslaved by political false dreams.. but there is an old men walking bye, he has no tooth left, there is something still there of freedom most of us dont see. i think the song is about refugees, people who once fled, raised a state where given broken dreams. ( turned his blood into wine, (old history), but later the (current time) the wine turned bitter in the glass in this new "promised" land. People are still enslaved by political false dreams.. but there is an old men walking bye, he has no tooth left, there is something still there of freedom most of us dont see. After that it is wondering happy noel.. do people still understand what freedom means. That's the second excellent comment. Siouxsie was trying to relate her Christian and Christmas concepts with Israel.'FWIW, in the Finale, the Last Manaray And More Show, Siouxsie introduces the song by saying, "This is for the girl who came all the way from Tel Aviv!" " So its about destiny of us all. I always thought Jews are a metaphor for humans."Shattered fragments of the past / Meet in veins on the stained glass," refers directly to kristallnacht in which Christian Nazis (stained glass of the church) kicked off their murderous campaign by smashing the windows (shattered fragments) of Jewish owned establishments and attacking the owners." Yes Kystalnacht. 'Of a long-forgotten dream There were princes and there were kings" Yes they all tied to vanquish the Jewish people "In each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands.” This is the collective cry of a people that has been oppressed and discriminated against throughout its history." Thats from the Hagaddah I'll be reading in a few days in this year of Coronavirus the modern plague."See some people shine with glee, but their song is jealousy "Their hate is clanging, maddening… In Israel…will they sing Happy Noel? Israel…in Israel will they sing Happy Noel " This describes the haters who are jealous of the Jews Those who feel they themselves are the "chosen Ones" but dont understand everyone is chosen.

@alan112895 you have interpreted way differently from me. For me this is obviously about the suffering of the people of Palestine inflicted by the Israeli Occupation. Palestine will live forever. To quote Ho Chi Minh “you will kill ten of us for every one of you we kill and yet you will tire of it first and we will win”. Ho was right in his prediction when it came to Vietnam versus America. I believe Palestine will overcome Israel and global Zionism because it is the will of God.

@Jacksmack Honestly, I would have loved for it to be commentary on what the Palestinians are going through, but given the fact that most people don't really care about Palestine, I doubt it 😞

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