Lyric discussion by dawn2dusk 

I posted this on the Bon Iver version too.

This song is about a girl named Roslyn who sadly commits suicide to a bad relationship. The biggest clue to this is "Won't, Won't let you talk me down," which is indicating that no matter how hard someone tried to convince her everything would be alright, she refused to listen. He says "Aren't we just terrified" which could either reference them being scared that she is going to commit the suicide or after when they discover she has. Shale- one of the first words- a rock that breaks easily. Either indicating when she does jump off the cliff which is shown when it says "sea and rock below ( the rock being shale )" it breaks. It also shows that she is on some sort of cliff. Bones, blood, and teeth erode, they will be crashing low is basically describing her body breaks and rots. Erode means ( in a small way ) to wither. Wing's wouldn't help you describes that she has jumped, and there's no going back now. Down toward the ground, gravity's proud- means she's falling down. You barely blinking is showing that she is dying. When'd this just become a mortal home- a mortal is something that can die. This song is very sad and should not be taken very light-heartedly

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