Lyric discussion by LuLu Valentine 

Yes, we all know that Scott was, unfortunately, a drug addict, but that doesn't mean all his songs were about drugs. A lot of his songs were about relationships, and this is one of them. He's speaking to another person - "When you look you see right though me", "Always keep me under finger", "When you seek me you destroy me" sounds like a dysfunctional relationship. "Here comes the water, it comes to wash away the sins of your and I", "Like holy water, it only burns you faster than you'd ever dry", I take to mean that even though they try start anew (water cleanses), there's too much damage (sins). Holy water only burns evil, and he says he's left "broken every single time", I think he's saying that the other person is so toxic that she leaves him wrecked every time he goes back to her. Plus, there's the music video - at the beginning and the end, Scott is shown in a crucifixion pose. The crucifixion is viewed as being a sacrifice for another's sins. And another way to crucify someone is to destroy them mentally with criticism. It all sounds to me like a very toxic relationship. Regardless of the true meaning, it's an incredible song, perfect start to finish, and is another example of why Scott is a hero to me (and countless others) for his talent as a singer, lyricist, and captivating frontman.

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