Lyric discussion by brian10620 

Ok this is what it means to me. I'm not saying this is the right answer but my choice. What I take from it. This is about how interconnected we are with Technologie like social media ,cell phones etc etc etc. As a species we have never been so connected but connection is not necessarily communication. At least not good communication.

To communicate we need to interact face to face. Human interaction is how we grow. interacting in the physical world. .

When he sings

"The poetry that comes from the squaring off between And the circling is worth it Finding beauty in the dissonance"

I believe he is saying that hiding behind a virtual world is safe but there is beauty in facing each even with the possibility of a physical confrontation. When you Say things to random people online you would never say face to face, you feel invincible. you face no real world repercussions from your Computer desk. This is dishonest and prohibits real honest communication. So in a general sense I think Technology which represent advancement is setting us back because communication through a computer is a poor substitute for real human interaction, which is how we grow.

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