Lyric discussion by PsYcLONe 

We must remember that Jon Anderson's lyrics are 99% metaphorical. That is his genius. To me, Going For The One isn't about competing to be #1 in sports, it is about striving to become One with the Universe, or possibly striving to be the #1 religion. Sometimes we are chasing around a track trying to decide which religion is best: Christianity vs. Buddhism vs. Taoism, etc. The truth is no one dog will win the race: "the truth of sport runs rings around you" means the truth is that none of these religions are the sole source of Wisdom. Jon Andersom rejected organized religion as his guide for life. So, you cannot be One with the Universe if you only choose one way of viewing the Universe. The references to shooting the rapids are that you sometimes must let go and follow the river current: life will take you where it takes you and it is important to embrace the journey "After seeing all your sense of fear diminished and you treat danger as pure collection and throw away misconception". Some people are afraid to listen to a source outside of their church. The person in pursuit of the truth needs to steer his own raft instead of being guided by others. "Travel Twilight", may mean explore Death, or the darker sides of Life. You cannot understand Life without understanding Death. "Travel Twilight" may also mean look at what they are not telling you. Some organized religions shy away from questions that challenge their philosophy. "Moments unite": we have moments in our lives when we can learn so much about existence if we are paying attention and open to receiving the lesson. "Love you so". The ultimate goal of spirituality is to be able to connect with others through Love and Acceptance. "Once at the start can you gamble that you really truly really mean to finish" to me means, once you start questioning, are you ready to accept the answers you find if those answers contradict what you have been raised to believe as the Truth? "Throw away Misconception" is throwing away the false view that was given most of us by our churches. By looking at the lyrics this way, it is easier to see the remaining lyrics of this song as Jon Anderson continuing his expression of understanding our existence outside from what is taught through organized religion. The ultimate goal, still, "Talk about sending Love", not condeminig non-believers. How many of us have had someone tell us that if we don't believe, and if we are not saved, our souls are in jeopardy? We are coaxed with a fear-based threat to join Christianity. We should be determining our spiritual viewpoints out of Love for others, not out of Fear for our own soul. Jon Anderson has consistently written songs that transcend the views of any one religion and Going For The One is no exception. And that is why I love Yes.

@PsYcLONe Expanding my interpetation: "Should I really chase so hard": Jon Anderson has realized it is often just as futile to make others accept his enlightened views as it is for others to make him accept their views. Again, "the truth of sport plays rings around you": our goal may be to help others, but there is no way to convince everyone that any single view is right, so we are often just wasting our time. "Rocking, rolling" may refer to being the one who "rocks the boat" by questioning what we are told never to question in...

Lastly: :Moments decide, Moments delight, Moments in Flight". Again,there are certain moments when we gain special insight through experience, conversation, reflection...moments that bring us closer to understanding the true nature of existence. Moments can decide how we believe, moments can delight us as they help crystallize our thinking or open us to new understanding, and these moments are gone quickly (in flight) and can be easily overlooked if we are not paying attention.

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