There are a lot of references to shooting heroin in this song. Obviously there is the overarching theme of self hatred but that could easily be caused by the struggle of drug addiction, and giving up on yourself (I wasn't much fun to be with anyway).
Then by the end he is arguing with his addiction, which is trying to convince him that he needs it, but he ends up screaming that he'd rather die, he doesn't need it anymore. That's the level of determination it requires to kick a junk habit, so I can easily see it being in relation to junk.
Just my opinion, these songs are interpretated different ways by different, that's the whole point of music, to connect with people, so sure, while he may of written it about drug addiction, if it helps you with depression or some other problem, then interpret it how ever you want.
There are a lot of references to shooting heroin in this song. Obviously there is the overarching theme of self hatred but that could easily be caused by the struggle of drug addiction, and giving up on yourself (I wasn't much fun to be with anyway). Then by the end he is arguing with his addiction, which is trying to convince him that he needs it, but he ends up screaming that he'd rather die, he doesn't need it anymore. That's the level of determination it requires to kick a junk habit, so I can easily see it being in relation to junk. Just my opinion, these songs are interpretated different ways by different, that's the whole point of music, to connect with people, so sure, while he may of written it about drug addiction, if it helps you with depression or some other problem, then interpret it how ever you want.