Lyric discussion by gerard1155 

I think or kind of like to imagine that this song has a darker meaning.

I think that this lyrics refer to a family member, maybe his father or mother, doing something bad in the atic.

"Woke when it was dark, wait for day to start before you leave" makes me think of a parent or brother that wakes earlier than the others because he/her has a different and longer working schedule.

"turned on both the lights, what we found we didn't like so we turned our back, Oh no you found me, Oh no you found me, here Somethings happened in the attic, there's no way I am going up there," This lines make me think about this family member taking drugs (this is what i imagine) in the atic where no one is supposed to go, and i can see the image of a son looking at it and being unable to accept it, so there's no way he's going up there and see that scene again.

That makes sense with the last line "this is my house, this is my home" which can be either the father/mother saying with anger that this is their house so they can do what they want, and the son saying like "yeah, but this is my home" and that this shouldn't happen in a home.

It's just the version of meaning that i imagine when i listen to this song and I feel it gives it a really different and deeper on it.

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