Lyric discussion by GetRealDuder 

When interviewed about his lyrical content with Faith No More, Patton responded, "I think that too many people think too much about my lyrics. I am more a person who works more with the sound of a word than with its meaning. Often I just choose the words because of the rhythm, not because of the meaning".

And there you have it, you crusty, old, middle aged farts...

Mike Patton was only 24 years old when this song came out -- a good 15 years too young to have the slightest clue what a midlife crisis even is.

Next, this was written about '91 or '92 by a bunch of guys who spent their lives on tour buses and sleeping in motel 6's -- who had coke & booze for breakfast and lived in a blur the whole time.

If you've ever actually listened to the song, you may be able to notice that it's a mega produced Warner Bros. product from start to finish. I'm sorry, but Mike didn't pull it from his magical butt. An entire crew of sound engineers, writers, production managers and all sorts of other people (who were paid quite well and who's names you'll probably never see on the liner notes) are the ones who made it sound that way.

It's a great song that has a unique sound that represents that era of super produced pop-rock of the early '90s... put enlightened poetry it aint. Just a bunch of drugged up "cuties" backed by a multi million dollar production crew.

Even back then, Warner Bros. didn't just throw stuff that "sounded neat" up against the wall to see if it would stick. If you saw it on MTV, your favorite pop star provided vocals... and that's about it.

This song really is a great example of how a great crew can literally take "lyrics" written down on a pizza box after a night of hard partying and mix them into a master piece. Well, they could before pro-tools came along...

"Faith No More"... there's a line to ponder. ;)

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