Lyric discussion by ReonataO 

2018 is the year of songs about teen angst. In this song, the son just keeps repeating how sorry he is to have disappointed and let his parents down. They clearly have a rocky relationship, as the singer talks about how his parents are always lecturing him and yelling at him, but the fights are never resolved -- they only end in his parents wanting an apology, an experience that I find personally to be all too real. As is usual for many children raised in abusive households, even after he moves out of his house, there's still no reprieve. The song doesn't get any lighter or happier, the singer is still tormented by the shadows of his past. His parents have forever ruined the chance to have a relationship with him, because he is still too haunted by his memories of how they used to treat him to stand to be around them. But that doesn't matter, because no matter what, he is still riddled with guilt about all of the times they told him that he let them down.

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