Lyric discussion by Uglybunny 

Cover art for Wild Wild Life lyrics by Talking Heads

I'm going with cocaine. If you replace "wild, wild life" with "cocaine" (& delete the "ohs" for clarity), this is what you get:

I'm wearin' Fur Pyjamas I ride a Hot Potata' It's tickling my fancy Speak up, I can't hear you

Here on this mountaintop
I got some cocaine I got some news to tell ya
About some cocaine Here come the doctor in charge
She's got some cocaine Ain't that the way you like it
Living wild

I wrestle, with your conscience You wrestle, with your partner Sittin' on a window sill But he spends his time behind closed doors

Check out Mister Businessman
He bought some cocaine On the way to the stock exchange
He got some cocaine Break it up when he opens the door
He's doin' cocaine I know that's the way you like it
Living wild

Peace of mind? Piece of cake! Thought control! You get on board anytime you like

Like sittin' on pins and needles Things fall apart, it's scientific

Sleeping on the interstate
Getting cocaine Checkin' in, checkin' out! Uh, huh! I got cocaine Spending all of my money and time
Done too much cocaine We want to go, where we go, where we go
I doing cocaine I know it, that's how we start
Got some cocaine Take a picture, here in the daylight
They got some cocaine You've grown so tall, you've grown so fast
Wild, wild And I know that's the way you like it! Living wild wild wild wild, life

My Interpretation

@Uglybunny -I think you hit it on the head. I knew folks in the 80's in high and low places that used coke and this song reminds me of them.