Lyric discussion by Buttholefinger 

I cannot figure this one out and there is such little interpretation on the web so there’s no help but to me this reads as this chick who is so full of life and terrified of the end, like a lot of young people. She has this need to live life to the fullest because she is so freaked out of it all ending and in that way she kind of brings herself down. The lyrics “she gets dressed up like a pillow so she’s always in bed” is like saying STOP thinking about the end like it’s right around the corner, it doesn’t help anything and that internal struggle has no benefit. Then there’s this guy singing. He doesn’t share her same problems, in fact, he might not care a whole lot about his eventual demise. He seems to be very in the moment and this moment has this girl in it that makes his life so great. She’s worried about the end and he’s just happy to have her until then—soaking up every minute with her knowing that that is what it’s all about. Probably entertained by her so very different interpretation of life.

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