Lyric discussion by cbingham 

D. B. Cooper was someone who hi-jacked an airplane, and then jumped off the airplane. No one's ever found him, but it's believed that his parachute failed and he did not survive the fall.

I believe this song is about the closing of the Batcave (it was a goth club in London). Goth was music for people who don't fit in, and those people who don't fit in, aka lone wolves, gathered together with other lone wolves and then they were happy because even though they were still in the darkness, they were no longer alone. But once the club closed down, the lone wolves couldn't do that anymore. It is believed that "the lone wolf" in this song may have committed suicide, but no one has found him or his remains just like no one found D.B. Cooper or his remains. I believe all the mentions of water are actually the tears of the lone wolves who miss the Batcave.

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