Lyric discussion by mcdazz 

Cover art for Sweetheart lyrics by Died Pretty

Died Pretty are an Australian band, which perhaps makes the meaning behind the song a little stranger (or at least my interpretation of the song).

I think the giveaway is the line, "Plainfield is 'home-sweet-home', which is the town that Ed Gein was raised in/near.

The rest of the lyrics allude to this possibility:

"My world lives in these jars" - Ed Gein reportedly kept organs in jars

"Downward, downward we'll cast ourselves" - the downward spiral

"He'll call, "This blade here is my best friend"" - Ed Gein skinned most of his victims

"With you next to my skin" - Ed Gein's human 'suit' that he made and would wear

"This house is furnished by you and I" - Ed Gein reportedly fashioned household objects out of skin

"I'll wear her shame" - a flesh suit would do that to you

"This town has bad dreams" - Plainfield certainly did

"But no one can hear our screams" - true in many, different ways

Anyway, that's my interpretation of the song, but who knows if it may not have anything to do with Ed Gein or Plainfield.

@mcdazz great sleuthing, you are correct. I have it on good authority from the lyricist’s wife.