Lyric discussion by ChibiFangirl 

I don't know if its intentional, but I see connections with this song to a movie under the same name, I Spit On Your Grave. I haven't seen the movie in full, but I know of it (I know a lot of weird morbid history, thats how I know of this film) and events that occur within it.

The movie is about a young woman who decides to help a male stranger out. She is on her way to her summer getaway when the male stranger returns with his friends and they rape her. The woman then decides to torture and kill all of those who participated in the rape and thats when the movie becomes a gore fest full of ketchupy blood and cheesy 70s death scenes.

The chorous has something to do with the over all goal of the woman in the film, as she watches them get murdered in several ways. The first verse brings up abuse, which rape is a form of abuse.Playing the fool may reffer to her as playing the damsel in distress after such a heinous act is commited. There is later mentiuon of blood, in which I know there is a lot of blood in the film.

I haven't seen the 70s film nor have I seen the remake with its sequels, but if I do happen to watch them, all I will think about is this song as our protagnist goes on her killing spree.

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