Lyric discussion by feliciathefool 

So, my boyfriend of 3 years died a couple years back, and he was a real music buff. we had a huge connection through music. The other day, this song came on, and I just felt his presence. I can't explain it, but it happens to me from time to time where I can feel him near. It happens mostly when I'm on the road listening to music and I'm alone.

Anyway, this song came on, and something about it just gave me the chills. And I really loved the song, just the sounds of it. But then later I looked up the lyrics and got the chills all over again.

The lyrics read to me like he's there, he's watching, and patiently waiting to see me again. :)

"There's a place I want to take you, when the unknown will surround you."

That line especially. It makes me think of when the unknown surrounds me (i.e. death), there's a place he wants to take me (heaven? or whatever the afterlife has in store)

I'm not a spiritual person per se, me and him often talked about our skepticism actually, but since he's died and I've experienced certain connections to him, (feelings, dreams, once I even heard his voice) I believe in it a little more.

Or I'm just insane :)

Either way this song and this band are phenomenal.

@feliciathefool I'm sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been really hard.

I like your interpretation. There is definitely an element of death, but not the dark, scary, final kind of death. More like a doorway in to something else (a greater universal connection/awareness, I like to think). Thank you for sharing.

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