Lyric discussion by Dukledubi 

What might not be understood by western people is the fact of communists being in charge of the countries of middle and eastern Europe for almost half the century. That means in Poland too. What I do understand in "promiseland", "neverland", "neverending smiles" and such are the utopic ideals of communism. In reality most people who, literally, proselytized those ideals were hypocrites. They did not do that for good of people but for their own bonus. See the "I did not look good in RED" line. Many young people and children, were brought up in organisations simmilar to Scouting, but purely oriented on teaching ideals of communism, during those years. Partly because there was nothing else to do, partly because it was somehow politically correct, which could prevent problems for their life and lives of their relatives. Red is the most distinctive colour they wore. Red is a symbolic colour of evil by the way. Same it was for adults. Either they were part of communist party, and so their possibilities were normal to the point, unless they had acted or spoken against communist party, or they or their families were bullied by authorities. There was revolutionary slogan "who is not with us is against us". And thats how it has been. I see this song as theme to those who chose to live their lives without conforming to what party urged all to do and to be. Free-thinkers, Christians, artists, regular people whose was not the fault that party did not like them. More it might be theme to the Christians of those times. I see the line "One life was great, but another... No, I don't wanna live on the edge." as clear statement that if one chose to conform to communists, his life would be much easier, great, but at the cost of losing the life after life in heaven. Cooperating with Communists in those times could be easily compared to cooperating with World War II Nazis or selling your soul to the devil. It caused a lot of pain to the others.

@noname Of course the comment about bad relationship could be too a good interpretation. I could see the relationship as one from which you come up with somehow feeling guilty of temporal conforming to behavior of your partner which is in some way against your ethics and believes.

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