Lyric discussion by Sportello 

Cover art for Song Against Sex lyrics by Neutral Milk Hotel

just my interpretation, but I think the title is a kind of a joke. the song isn't against sex. it's a story about a young man who's been pressured into sex before he's ready by an older man, and doesn't get what he's expecting out of it. The entire song takes place over one night. let me show you what I mean.

We have two characters in the first verse, the speaker and the man. The song starts with the man showing the speaker pornographic images, but they are just kind of alien to him, he doesn't really get the implication of what he's being shown. But he knows he wants to feel loved, so he embraces the man. Thing's start to turn sour when "an eeriness surrounded". The man says he wants to wrap him in rice paper string, an implication of force if he doesn't get what he wants from the speaker willingly. the speaker is reluctant, but can either "willingly" submit or be the victim of physical violence. so he "finally" kisses him.

This is when things start to get a little more out there. Disassociation is a common reaction in instances of rape. The speaker knows he's lost control of the situation, and during the actually act of sex, he imagines himself walking through the town outside the mans window. He projects the horror of his first sexual encounter on this landscape, even a mundane gas station is a road to a "nice cliff to drop off". we get the impression from his stance on drugs that he's an innocent person, that he thought this was a place he could find something real and valuable, and has found the opposite. He rallies towards the end of the encounter, he realizes he's been conned by a charismatic but self serving man, a cult leader type of personality. At the end of the verse he tells himself not to "take the pills your boyfriend gave you" as in to not let this person drive him to suicide.

In the third verse the images from the first verse come into focus, he realizes he was being shown pornography, and it's disgusting to him. He was expecting something pure, but instead he gets something gritty and mundane. He thinks about leaving to "sleep out in the gutter", while the man "sleeps here on the floor". The implication is that the man is either drunk and passed out on the floor after the act of sex, or at the very least didn't fall asleep next to the speaker. He doesn't leave though, and the last few lines are in the future tense. he thinks about locking the man in his home and burning the place down with him in it for revenge, but the future tense tells us it's just a thought.

I was lucky enough to lose my virginity with someone I trusted deeply who I had a long, fulfilling relationship with, but I know plenty of people who's first times echo the feelings in this song. I know it's a dark interpretation, but hey, they aren't exactly a chipper band.

My Interpretation