Lyric discussion by prittybritty_18 

Guys I think I get it. It literally took me till now to see. The fire could be literal. And I think this is about his dad. So the first verse about written letters rising up: that is I'm assuming his thoughts maybe prayers about how he feels. Hoping he receives it someday. The statement "but I still have to write this letter: though he knows he should be over it like people tell him to, he still feels like his thoughts are not fully expressed. He has to keep writing (ironically since this was the last song in their last album in 2006). The chorus. Is pretty deep. Talks about how we as humans. Just our state of living is suicide. We know we are going to die whether we commit the act of suicide or not. Life is our suicide mission. The second verse. How he couldn't call him for a few months. He the singer possibly couldn't call his das. To me it sounds like maybe because of a tragic incident his dad ended up in jail for a bit. His dad was too ashamed to say anything to him. But the singer forgave him for whatever happened only to find out his dad died. The incident brought up in the bridge could be literal. The only thing that could only make sense to me is the dad got in a car accident and possibly caused another family to die?... maybe their kids couldn't get out. It's funny what the music does once the singer brings up the incident. The music sorta stops almost as if now he's face to face with his dad saying "I am aware of the incident. But I let it go" very softly and understandingly. Beautiful and VERY complex song. Again I could be completely wrong. That's just how I see it.

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