Lyric discussion by mitch77 

Hey What?????

I think it was @CaptSibigeu who lost his little mind over what I wrote (not @fiftyfifth. I have about the briefest comment on the page and he accused me of"verbosity". Clearly a dictionary isn't the only thing he needs. I had not read his comment before (nor ever been back here til today AFAIK) but he clearly could use a basic course in logic. (My words were not edited, that is all I wrote.) He builds straw men as fast as he types. But as long as I am here I'd like to double down on my comments; To whatever degree that list of things is missing in a relationship, to at least that degree real love is missing.
The fact of the matter is that we don't get to dictate the parameters of real love. Just as we don't get to dictate the parameters of morality. I am well aware that this flies in the face of what passes for "modern thinking" (a term many consider an oxymoron) but simple logic dictate that is morality is malleable, editable, or personal, then feed can decide that it's moral to kill and eat children. That is his position and here is one quote from him "i personally feel like i'm allowed do it " So everything from "white lies" to mass murder can be within someones definition of "moral" and there for their def of 'love' as well. That is, of course, flatly insane.
Thank GOD for emotions. I adore my wife of almost 40 yrs and my 4 outstanding children -all adults and excellent humans. It is lovely to love and be loved, HOWEVER, when we elevate emotion to the level of logic or reason we put ourselves and those around us in great peril. Emotions should never ever be used as a guide. "Do what you feel" has to be the most common terrible advice ever spewed from the mouth of a sentient being.

The fact is just this simple: Lies and liars are the cause of most of the suffering and evil in our world. Take any evil and trace it back to it's origin and see what promoted it and kept it alive and you will find lies. Sadly, most humans refuse to face many of these lies because to do so would make other uncomfortable. They are politically incorrect. If humans do not begin to hold ourselves and others to higher standards then we will continue our slide into dysfunction.
A few in this thread will probably go nuts at the fact that the "discoverer" of ADD has publicly admitted it was a lie and that no such thing exists. My eldest son had all the symptoms. He started college at 15, and could have at 12 (but he was too full of himself so we held him back). He got his masters in Mech Engineering at 21. We found the "symptoms" of ADD and ADHD would disappear when he got spanked. Somrthing he very much agrees with and appreciates now. I have never yet met an adult who was whipped righteously as a child who does not appreciate it as an adult. And i have never yet met an adult who had little or no discipline who was not a terrible mess as an adult. I'm sure that is unacceptable to many because many are repelled by the truth. I have been doing family and personal counseling for over 4 decades. Ask any professional and they will tell you that it is NOT the kids who were locked in closets, or burned with cigarettes, or beaten with fists and write hangers that are the most screwed up, it is those who were not disciplined at all. No correction = no love. Pretending feeling trump truth is the opposite of real love.

Well, I am out of this now, I won't reply if someone takes offense. Thanks for the defense "What?????". If you want to see those remarkable kids Google "gravesjudo".

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