Lyric discussion by GrungyBeatle 

to understand bono's lyrics you have to understand he was raised by political strife and a religious upbringing.

the wolves symbolize people that are inclined to hate by belief whereas their victims are the people that were raised by them.

so if you have a family member or guardian that is like a wolf, you can get into trouble bc of your family bc you are more sheepish.

makes sense since if you are raised by a shepherd then they will take care of your sheepish self that is more humble and good but if your raised by wolf society or a wolf family your probably in jeopardy.

the whole wolf stereotype comes from the teachings of jesus. wolves in sheep clothing, meaning they mingle in society as "good people" but inwardly are raveounous wolves.

@GrungyBeatle The song refers to the car bombs that happens in the 70's in Dublin. Bono explains it in an article for The Rolling Stones magazine.

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