Lyric discussion by CharlieFreak 

@Lyrics2Deep BRILLIANT! Thank you for taking the time to write down all of this TRUTH.

The world is OWNED by the Fascist Elite who used HItler and WWII to solidify their hold over the entire globe through the United Nations, Owned Political Leaders, Public Education, the Entertainment Industry and the Mainstream Media. There is NO MORE Democracy on this planet, only Fascism disguised as a kind of Nationalistic Democracy where "you're okay as long as you tow the company line".

Mark Knopfler is a genius, who knew about the existence of the Illuminati and the reality of our Corporate controlled world. Thus, Industrial Disease is a CAREFULLY constructed song that used Humour and a fast-pace rhythm to "mask" all of the powerful truths he was laying out for the listener. In fact, the ENTIRE ALBUM was an unmasking of the Illuminati control over every aspect of Modern Society...from their total control of Cities, jobs and land (Telegraph Road), through Institutionalized Lying and their version of history (Private Investigations), their control over economics/public information via the Mainstream Media and their so-called "expert commentators" (Industrial Disease) and their viperous control over the entertainment industry to control the public narrative (It Never Rains).

Knopfler's answer to all of this sickness was the song, Love Over Gold...

"It takes love over gold And mind over matter To do what you do that you must When the things that you hold Can fall and be shattered Or run through your fingers like dust"

In this last verse, Knopfler revealed THE ANSWER for all of humanity to win this rigged game that we have been forced into playing. It indeed takes LOVE over GOLD (Greed, possessions, wealth, etc) if we are ever going to awaken to the truth. It takes MIND over MATTER to see our true reality. MIND is his representation of SELF INDUCED THOUGHT or Consciousness, not robotic mental reflexes at the whims of society. Independent thought over the ILLUSION of our societal "truths". Remember, MATTER is NOT solid, it is endless waves of possibilities upon a 2-Dimensional plane (the Unified Field), that only appears as a solid substance within a 3-Dimensional world whenever we FOCUS our thoughts upon it...thus, Matter will always look, act, behave precisely the way we have been TAUGHT to believe it should look, act, behave.

How does Knopfler know that Love is the answer and that Matter is the Illusion, the game, the trap? "When the things that you hold can fall and be shattered, or run through your fingers like dust"...that's how. When matter is merely a temporary thing (popping in and out of existence every time we focus our thoughts upon the Matrix) that can fall and be shattered, or run through our fingers like dust (cosmic dust, endless waves of possibilities), then matter isn't solid, matter isn't permanent, matter doesn't hold any value or worth...matter is merely an Illusion, the unseen particles that can be manifested into reality based on our beliefs, so that we can play this game in this Physical realm. And if our physical world of Matter and Newtonian Physics is the Maya (the Illusion), then what must be our true reality? The unseen world of Consciousness, which is LOVE!

This was the ultimate message and purpose of the Love Over Gold album. Knopfler exposed their illusory system of control (the worship of valueless matter) and replaced it with Humanity...which is to exist through the vibration of LOVE, not Fear.

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