Lyric discussion by timeitstime 

The way I understand this song:

it represents that time when you get yourself into a very dark place and you don't exactly know why, you just feel so sad and nothing makes sense... And then you think that this might be trying to tell you something, teach you something, but you can figure out what. Sometimes, we only figure out why we were feeling that way much later...

"I try and stand still but I feel you by my side", you try to keep living normaly but you keep feeling bad, like a shade is always following you. I think the "even this moment is running out of time" is saying that there's no hope, even feeling bad is running out of time, cause one day we'll die and all... It represents the loss of hope.

And then you, after a time feeling this way, you know just what you have to do, you have to accept it, accept what you're feeling and stop fearing it. You embrace your own darkness and you realise that you can be anyone now. Mainly now. Because you have nothing to lose, you already feel like you lost everything, you lost your hope, then you can do anything you want now. And then you do it and you finally get rid of the darkness.

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