Lyric discussion by HolesInSouls 

The first line is a nearly direct quote from Star Trek (the original series), season 2, episode 4, "Mirror, Mirror". I wonder if Kalmah intentionally referenced this episode. The wording is specific enough that it's hard to believe it was coincidence.

In the Star Trek episode, several members of the Enterprise crew accidentally beam to an alternate dimension in which the Federation and the crew of the Enterprise are part of an evil despotic empire. When the crew is finally able to get back home, Kirk tries to convince evil alternate-dimension Spock to stop being evil and to take down the empire from the inside. He appeals to evil Spock's logic, arguing that it's impossible for the empire to last and it will inevitably be torn apart by revolution, and beseeches evil Spock to start that revolution. Kirk's parting words to evil Spock are, "In every revolution, there's one man with a vision!",Mirror(episode)

I love this song. I'm a metalhead and a Star Trek fan. I heard "Time Takes Us All" first, and I recognized it and was surprised when I heard that line coming from Kirk!

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