Lyric discussion by MichaelaMimi 

Cover art for Summer Son lyrics by Texas

I also think the song is about moving on. She has been struggling with a relationship with a man who hurt her somehow and now he is trying to make things work again. But something is breaking inside her - she is tired of pretending that everything is ok ("tired of telling the story, tired of telling it your way, I know what I saw...") and she is ready to fall in love again (she "opens the door" for new, fresh "summer son"), to fully experience whole range of passion with someone else ("he burns my skin, I ache again"), and she feels that this desire for something new means that she closed the door behind the old love. Thus she warns her old lover that despite his trying to fix things, it might be too late already. By the time that "winter rain" comes, she will be gone for good.

My Interpretation