Lyric discussion by Suggarhie11 

The way I see it, the singer is reflecting on a horrible destructive relationship he never should have been in. From the outside the girl is beautiful and perfect, but secretly she's hiding her true self (Story's changing, colors fading/You are nothing more than I thought.) Once he's deep in the relationship, he realizes he's dating a crazy women (i've never seen your eyes so red/Familiar stranger thrust into my bed), who is possibly suffering from borderline personality disorder or actually a psychopath or sociopath, and the only way out is to "kill" her (end the relationship as quickly and viciously as possible to make her hate him.) The lines "I should have killed you when i had the chance/ to get off easy" is his way of looking back and saying "I should have walked away the second I saw you so i never put myself in the position of having to destroy you to save myself.) The news in the beginning is, in my opinion, to just set the scene that one or both of them ended up being victims of the relationship since it says Victim no. 1 was found in the living room.

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