Lyric discussion by kory101021 

Something about this song always kind of bothered me and I could never figure it out until now. Everyone claims this song to be an "agnostic's anthem" but I always heard a hint of tongue in cheek sarcasm to the lyrics. Especially lines like "blanketed by the warmth of ignorance" This entire album is about the "warmth of ignorance" in one way or another. Many of the songs seem to be about the dangers of the ignorance that comes from blind faith (Pariah, Ireland, Information) So it would makes sense that not having faith in anything would be the answer. But that is just swapping one form of ignorance for another. Rather than holding on to blind faith, the narrator of this song is embracing nothing and wandering through life in blind, blissful, ignorance instead. I think the point of this song, and of the entire album, is that whatever you believe in whether it's God or nothing at all, you should always keep your eyes open to the complexities of the world. Always question what is being shown and told to you, even if it's hard and frustrating and confusing at times to do so. This song isn't anti-agnostic, but I don't think it's an agnostic anthem either. The message of "don't believe in anything" isn't meant to be taken literally.

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