Lyric discussion by Twisted4000 

I do in fact think the song has religious ties to it; I believe one of the band members was a christian. He informed Ben about God, although Ben didn't really know what to think in the matter. Ben is afraid of dying, he has a lot of phobias, and in this song, in a way, he's asking God, if he exists, why can't he hear him? Why is he not answering him if he exists? He wants to live and is so terrified of so many things, and his last hope, seemingly, is this god, if it exists at all.

@Twisted4000 I agree. This song definitely sounds like a prayer to God. I feel Ben saying "God, I want you to be real but I can't find enough reasons to believe day to day and yet I still have hope that you are there so I won't let go."

@Twisted4000 I could accept it as a love song to a woman, except for the line 'Shine until there's nothing left but you'. That speaks of nothing but God to me.

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