Lyric discussion by Clocker 

For me, this song has many aspects, but the strongest one for me is the time that is spent in an asylum or psychiatric hospital.

BUT, Author Ryan Moore thought the lyrics depicted "ominous yet unnamed forces of power wielding total control over helpless human subjects

Which still fits, because, whether you like it or not, all of America really truly is an asylum filled with utterly crazy people who only want to hurt and yell and scream and tear at each other and who refuse to respect each other over vain and petty differences.

Because it's fun and trendy.

I love this song, but i have to be in a specific mood to get into it.

@Clocker This is great compared to all the other idiotic comments. \r\n\r\nBut the evil here is not "unknown force", it is a human, a clinical overt narcissist. (It\'s not a sociopath because the sociopath\'s victim wouldn\'t be able to "turn the tables" if they are in a "Relationship", which they are because this is after the " end of" the narcissist\'s "playing passion", because he makes breakfast, and because the victim "never betrays" at first. It\'s also not a sociopath because the victim refers to the abuse as his "natural habitat", as a narcissist, rather then being...

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