Lyric discussion by Kchi 

I've listened to this song a lot, really like the tempo. I think it goes a few places before it lands.

Starting with the 'lie' we tell ourselves, when young, that we know what we are doing. We don't understand the forces at play, we don't know there will be long term consequences, we just think we will always make the right move. That one little lie is that "we always know what is best for us'.

Then it travels to what if...what if we made a mistake? With all of our mistakes, and wrong roads taken, is it possible that our hopes and dreams are still knocking at our door?

This revelation leaves some, when they reminisce, with a sad and bitter taste in their mouth while for others the memories still taste sweet.

Many end up with money but it can't buy them that person, or life passion, that they passed up to get here. Financially successful, personally bankrupt.

Ends up encouragingly though - to not lose hope. You can begin to slowly change your heart... maybe your life now is really better maybe you dodged a big bullet or maybe you can go back, maybe you can try it ever really too late, will you ever know what is right?

I love the hope in this song, it is motivating.

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