Lyric discussion by jonjonwinny 

'fresh from the breast now a river running fat to the manor born a rat to the manor born a flea to flood to a drain now a rubber now a chain' all of society is passive and doing nothing like a flood of fat sliding down the street. it ends up in the drain doing nothing. 'no reptiles just soft boiled eggs in shirts and ties, waiting for the flashing green man quivering and wobbling just like all the eggs you know'. the earth isn't controlled by evil reptile people it is controlled by soft blobs of fat who wobble about terrified that they are going to be overthrown or all the evil things they are doing might be found out. 'it's alright to feel like a fat child in a push chair old enough to run old enough to fire a gun' society thinks it's okay to feel like we are being controlled and pushed around in 'a push chair' even though we can defeat these controlling blobs.

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