Lyric discussion by benqish 

Very intriguing lyrics. Just no idea what they mean! Any idea anyone? Samuel Beam (aka Iron & Wine) is from Chapin, South Carolina. There is a song by Iron & Wine, Caught In The Briars, has the same "briars" in the name and it contains a similar line: <poem>Where all of the naked boys Lay down beside her.</poem> See More than that I just have no idea.

@benqish my best guess is the first two lines are his thoughts racing through his head. Imagine one thought chasing the other like the thought like reality chasing a fantasy. It's a sequel to back in the briars and that song is about two kids falling in love and the "naked boys" symbolizes every guy she turned down because she loved him. The lines in that song constantly outline a very naïve and isolated life style in a small town in South Carolina. So you got a naïve isolated girl and a man who falls in love with her and she...

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