Lyric discussion by teodor1020 

@Morbidturmoil All very well said and all, but if that's really so, there comes a question in mind: What's the purpose of our existence, then? If there were no God(s) who created us on first place, then why are we here on earth? And if, on the other hand, there WAS a Satan-being, what makes him any more real than the God of good? What's the purpose of Satanism, extolling the evil over the good, when that's exactly what pulls us even further down? That's a religion for losers, for those who give up fighting against their evil nature. Don't get me wrong. I like the music, and certain parts of the song's message: not to deny our evil nature, and not play a masquerade about our own imperfections, and etc. But that's no reason to give into them, and lose yourself in total degradation and self-destruction. What makes us any better than the common beast then? There's a beast living inside us, but we're not simply it: we're that & something more than it. Otherwise, there's no point in humanity, there's no point in our existence. That's why I don't get the Satanists.

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