Lyric discussion by stevenrmc 

Cover art for Hello lyrics by Adele

I think this song can really mean whatever you want it to mean. Adele said in her interview with Graham Norton that 25 isn't about her defining what it means, it is about what her listeners define it as.

For me, Hello is about a love that never really would have worked but down the road, 20 years later you are reminded of it. You see them at a coffee shop, you find old photos of them. You start to reminisce about the relationship. All of a sudden, you realize in your maturity that you were wrong. You feel like you owe them an apology. So, you reach out to them but they never give you that satisfaction of accepting that apology. So you're left heartbroken.

I think that we can all relate to this. Trying to apologize for something that you've done to someone but having it just be too late. They can't accept it and they won't ever accept it.