Lyric discussion by halle_fisch 

I believe this is about his love for another that he obviously can't and never will have. I can relate to this song. When I was a freshman in high school I fell hard for the senior captain of the hockey team. All of my friends told me that it would never happen since he was a senior and I was just a freshman. I can relate to their reality checks during the lyrics "told me boy look the other way" and "told me boy bite your tongue". These were the things people told me whenever I mentioned him. They always reminded me that it would never happen.

And the way I interpreted "that's just not the way that friends behave" is something different from what others may have thought. From my experience, most of the reality checks came from my friend who happened to be a freshman on the hockey team. He always got bitter when I brought the senior up and was always quick to prove me wrong about the older boy. Later, I found out that my friend had a crush on me.

As far as the chorus goes, I always think of the fact that I would see him everyday on my way to certain classes. I'd even brush past him a few times. It was crazy how much I foolishly cared for him and how he would never know that.

That was the way it remained for the rest of the year. Every now and again we'd make eye contact for a brief moment but that was the extent of our association. He graduated in the spring and to this day I have never seen him since.

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