Lyric discussion by cursive57 

Cover art for Hello lyrics by Adele

Although "Hello" has similar aspects of "Someone Like You," it has a different take on the past--a matured view.

This is about a lack of communication between two people. They're on different wavelengths. When the speaker has swallowed their pride enough to apologize, the other person has accepted the ending of their relationship.

They seem to share a common denominator, however, involving the progression of their lives. They had such positive feelings about life and their relationship (or friendship?), before the world interfered and gave them a wake-up call. Although she has made it far in life ("away from that town where nothing ever happened"), she still feels like she is behind and outside this person (or what they've reached). They're both "running out of time" of being in-sync with life and other people so that all of their relationships don't fail. Adele truly is outside--with her successful career, family, her old life--everything--that is, if she is the speaker.

With an incredible range and a real instrumental accompaniment, Adele might convince me to listen to a radio station that just plays music from the last 20 years. She truly is a blessing to the music industry.

Song Meaning