Lyric discussion by Mendalusa77 

Cover art for Lady in the Radiator Song lyrics by Pixies

Before I knew of the Eraserhead connection, I always thought the song was the ultimate fuck-you-but-I-still-love-you song.

It's like the speaker wants to reassure himself and his partner that he'll be just effin fine without her, but it's clear as the song continues that he is really not fine, and will never be okay. He wants to make peace with the situation, but he can't, and that is very bitter to him.

The turn at the middle, when he changes, "You got your good thing, and I got mine" to "You got your good thing, and YOU got mine," is genius. The wistful tune and screaming (frustration/agony) really puts across a powerful message of a person who cannot let go as much as they want to.