Lyric discussion by rrgn 

This song is basically Lauren telling all the trolls to back off, haha. Haters gonna hate! Go Lauren! But anyways, here are some of my thoughts about the song's meaning:

-The term "playing dead" is an act some animals do when there is some sort of threat. (Example, playing dead when coming across a predator, such as a bear in the woods)

-The speaker is tired of what the aggressor has done. She is opening up and firing back. Fighting back, taking a stand against the enemy. ("No more excuses and no more playing dead")

-The first 2 lines of the chorus presents the speaker suggesting to the aggressor a potential to "play dead" again. It seems like she will play dead again.

-However when she says that she's going to TRY to pretend not to hear the aggressor, she is actually saying that she DOES hear the aggressor and she's not gonna comply/agree/give in to whatever crap he/she is saying. Sort of kinda mocking/taunting the aggressor. ("You can tell me to move and I won't go/ You can tell me to try and I won't go").

-The second verse is filled with great burns ("I am chasing the skyline much more than you ever will"), but it is obvious that the speaker is still trying to be fair and more morally well-sensed in the fight; they can end the argument and pretend that nothing ever happened ("We could hold up our hands, say we don't want it, we don't need it")

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