Lyric discussion by phixate 

The only line in this song that bothers me is this:

"Like an owl you must fly by moonlight with an open eye, And use your instinct as your guide, to navigate the ways that lays before you, You were born to take the greatest flight"

This concerns me as new age spiritualism has broken into Christianity like a storm lately. The owl is a symbol derived from both pagan and Native American sources and is according to the Bible an unclean bird. Also it's nature is a nocturnal bird of prey. There is nowhere in the Bible I can find that the owl is a good thing. Yet this symbol, which has been adopted by Josh Garrels and printed on his merchandise has the strong flavor of Native American roots. I have to admit that this concerns me.

Next he makes references to the third eye in the line "with an open eye." Notice he didn't say open eyeS. This is also associated with the all-seeing eye of the freemasonry as well as the goddess Kali. And he follows that up with, "And use your instinct as your guide..." That certainly isn't saying you should be led by the Holy Spirit but alluding to using your own personal judgment instead of the Spirit, which is exactly what Satan did in defiance of God, and is exactly what all new age and pagan spiritualism is about: finding enlightenment through personal works, which is what the last line above appears to be talking about saying, "You were born to take the greatest flight."

Out of all of Josh's songs this is the only one so far that has caused me any concern. And it really makes me question whether I want to buy his music and support him as an artist if he is going to not have the discernment of the Spirit to filter out such symbolism. I know many Christians out there might roll their eyes at this statement but we are called to carry truth with love.

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