Lyric discussion by autumndreams 

If you ask me...this song is pretty straightforward.

It works on several levels...especially on the addiction front, which many fans of Maynard know how he's had his own struggles in the past. Struggles that he's written about through his various projects. The more you take, the more you need...that's a lyric I can particularly identify with as a recovering drug addict. But it also works in a general sense as well...we should be taking and giving in equal parts. People who made mistakes, paid for them with their lives, and what they've learned from their lessons, their messages, their wisdom are lost forever. Learn from the mistakes of others. Don't ignore the writing on the wall. Life is fleeting. Enjoy it while it's here. Don't let earth's temptations lead you astray...or you might end up like one of these telling ghosts.

@autumndreams I totally agree with you!

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