Lyric discussion by PaulSouth 

There is a sort of half-verse missing here, where James Reyne simply chants, "Don't tell me it's true - I don't want to hear about it." I always assumed this to be a reference to rape allegations that were made against him, especially as the song mention him going to Sirocco, where the allegations of rape were made. In other words, the singer wants to believe in Errol as a casanova-type hero, not a rapist.

@PaulSouth yep, and in the verse that says "he's down on his knees, swashbuckling" refers to a rumour about his open sexual preferences. I guess the song is generally about celebrity and hero worship, where people just ignore the parts they don't want to know about.

@PaulSouth I think Guy McDonough does a better version as Australian Crawl lead vocalist on 'Errol.' Shame he died at 28.

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