Lyric discussion by PhysStyx 

I think that this song is about a really shaky relationship with someone, and the guy just wants to be alone. The girl constantly follows the guy around and even wants to have a baby ("she wants to bleed every drop inside of me"). The guy becomes oblivious to the girl and doesn't want to be like the same relationships that he had before ("I don't want to be like the others, please") and he repeats it time and time again. He then realized that the only way to get away from the girl is death or even suicide (slit my wrists and die a wh**e). He says multiple times that I WANT TO GET AWAY FROM YOU! but the girl constantly refuses, and then the guy bounces back by LITERALLY SAYING "my love is sadness" and "my love is oh so wrong" and then he finally compromises to the girl and says "I'll be with you, but not for long." And who did he (Billy Corgan) have a shaky relationship with? None other than his past wife CHRIS FABIAN. So this song (in theory) is about his fiancee/wife Chris Fabian. I have a feeling "Bodies" off of Mellon Collie is sort of a "Hello Kitty Kat" Part 2 since he divorced Chris around the time the Siamese Dream tour wound down. In Bodies, he flat-out screams "LOVE IS SUICIDE!" referring to the fact that in "Hello Kitty Kat" he was nearly driven to suicide by the girl.

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