Lyric discussion by Earthbound_Misfit 

This song seems fairly straight forward to me which is possibly why it doesn't have any interpretations, but the vivid imagery attached to these inspirational ideas always gives me the chills. This song is very motivating to me.

I think this line sums up the song pretty well: (Whenever we dream That's when we fly) Meaning that we spend the majority of our lives completely grounded. For the most part human life is pretty cut and dry: (The old ones speak of winter The young ones praise the sun And time just slips away)

But it's through aspiration and inspiration (our dreams) that we actually live. These could be literal dreams, as in when you are asleep, or daydreams, goals, or literally anything intangible that breaks the monotony.

Some people have very vivid dreams which they will use to deconstruct their thoughts and better understand themselves: (Here we see the wizard Staring through the glass And he's pointing right at you) The wizard is your ego or self awareness. Just a whimsical representation of the voice in your head that nags at you. (You can see tomorrow The answer and the lie And the things you've got to do) While some will claim their dreams guide them, others are guided more directly by goals. Whatever the case, whether we acknowledge it or not, we have a driving force inside of us telling us exactly what we want for ourselves and what we've got to do to become content with ourselves.

Some people are just content by nature, happy with what they've got. There is nothing wrong with that, although some cultures might say otherwise, it's true that these are the lucky ones who will walk the path of least resistance. (Oh, sometimes you never fall And ah, you're the lucky one)

But just because it may be ideal to not have to work hard to reach self-actualization, this is not for everyone. Sometimes you want it all, and you won't get by on denying this. You have to go after what success means to you. (But oh, sometimes you want it all You've got to reach for the sun)

(And find the sacred heart) The heart is the core, or essence of your life. Beyond the seemingly endless grind, the sacred heart is that which you actually live for. Be careful not to get caught up in believing you live for nothing more than the passing of days.

(Whenever you dream You're holding the key It opens the door To let you be free) No matter where you are in life, you will still have endless opportunities every day to free yourself.

(A shout comes from the wizard The sky begins to crack) The voice inside of you grows restless and will wear thin your sanity if it's ignored in favor of discontent. (And he's looking right at you, quick Run along the rainbow Before it turns to black, attack) "Attack" the things you want in life. Whether you desire material possessions, love, adventure, or just stillness and peace, be aggressive in your quest for it.

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